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Progress by measuring strength.

Track and get stronger in the main focused lifts

  • Knee Pushup/Pushup
  • Shoulder Press
  • Squat
  • Lat Pulldown

 A focused lift is the most effective compound movement for strength gain and muscle growth. You want to at least track the first 3-4 exercises with the increase in weight and repetition.

The Tracker only has 6 out of the 8 lifts because the last two are accessory exercises that will help shape the muscle but won't help with your overall physique development.

There are three main areas of your body you can track with a tape measurer

  • Chest
  • Wais
  • Arms

Weigh yourself the same day - around same time, every week. Preferable time to weigh in is the morning to ensure you are gaining muscle and weight every week. This will enforce that you are eating enough.

For women, ignore the scale 5 days before and 5 days after your menstrual cycle. This will only frustrate you because of the extra water weight.

I understand that everyone is not a natural born model. I ask that you do not worry whether you look awesome, especially in this first photo. They are for you to follow your progress. It’s always great to remember how far you’ve come because we underestimate what we can accomplish in 1 year, let a lone, a few months.

Before starting this workout program, take a Before Photo in your favorite underwear, or whatever you prefer. Then put a reminder in your calendar to take photos every 4 weeks in the same lighting, mirror and underwear, or whatever you feel comfortable wearing.

  • Take a full body shot that shows the top of your things to the tip of your head, or at least your waist to the tip of your head. 
  • Start with a full frontal photo, then a side photo. 
  • Keep feet shoulder width apart in a natural stance. 
  • Do your best to keep your chest up and not slouch.
  • Flex your abs 
  • If you feel like sharing your transformation, please share and tag me on Facebook, Kevin TaeJin Kreider or Instagram@kevin.kreider

Take a progress photo every 4 weeks.

Pump up and take the photo after a workout for the best photo possible with the same angle. Make sure the photo is cropped from at least below your hip bone to the top of your head. Flex those abs!

Share and tag me on Facebook : Kevin TaeJin Kreider



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